The Mysticism of Teilhard de Chardin
One can be sympathetic with Teilhard de Chardin’s intent to reconcile science and Christianity, which spoke in two entirely different languages in his day. True, all that is true in science is not in conflict with Orthodox truth, and a fervent Christian can be a truthful scientist. But false theories, mistaken personal fancies and opinions—cannot serve as a basis for a true worldview, whether they come from science or religion. Teilhard de Chardin solved the dichotomy of science and Christianity by throwing up a vague “mysticism” between them; thus he was faithful neither to true science nor to true religion, but simply invented a new false teaching of his own—it is very attractive because it is in accord with “mystic” and “universalist” currents of our times. But to serious thought, to truth, his teaching is but another of the serious errors of our times, and a very fruitful one for the coming unified worldview of the last humanity. He is a predecessor of Antichrist.