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Genesis, Creation, and Early Man: An Orthodox View

A collection of writings containing Blessed Seraphim's explication of the creation of the world from the Holy Scriptures in light of the manifold teachings of the Holy Fathers.

The Present Collection of Writings

This collection of writings comprises the heretofore known works of Blessed Seraphim of Platina concerning the book of Genesis, Orthodox Christian cosmogony, anthropology, and philosophy pertaining to the modern scientific upheaval of evolutionary theories and evolutionism.

While the majority of the present florilegium of Blessed Seraphim may be found in the volume, Genesis, Creation and Early Man: The Orthodox Christian Vision, additional materials from other of Blessed Seraphim’s letters and lectures have been included for the reader’s edification.

An Orthodox Patristic Commentary on Genesis

The Patristic Doctrine of Creation: The Letter to Dr. Kalomiros

Notes on the Philosophy of Evolution

Selections from Blessed Seraphim’s Letters

Notes, Outlines, and Transcripts